Thursday, February 25, 2010

Quantum Leap; the coming...

The Wise one is not the one who has his mind cluttered with information. True wisdom is to be happy in the world as it is, without attempting to accommodate it, as we would like it to be.
Your inner peace and hap­piness depends upon your acceptance; you cannot choose what you think you should be, but yet you can choose how you see what you already are.
When you judge a situation as good or bad you confuse reality with your interpretation of it. This is when peace will be impossible for you, because your mind will only focus on the conflict. By the law of cause and effect, conflict will also be the experience the outside world provides you.
Dr. Hans Jenny (1904-1972) Swiss physician and scientist had studied the relationship between matter and energy; backed by a well-documented methodology that can be reproduced in laboratories. This built the foundation for a new science he called "Cymatics”. Fourteen years of experimentation led him to verify that the varying degrees of complexity and molecular evolution of a being depends on the frequencies of energy that the body receives.

One dimension is the design within a particular biological pattern that determines the width of the vibrational of frequencies that are produced. Change the frequency, and the body is correspondingly mutated. Then is that what is happening with life on Earth? Considering that we are being bombarded by very high frequency energy from galactic central sun.
We can note some immediate effects ... Have you noticed how time seems to accelerate each day? It seems to pass faster because our cells have accelerated their pulse, to match the increase of the Earth’s pulse (Schumann frequency). And our perception of time depends of the speed of the pulse.

Time has been accelerating and will continue to do so to the extent that we approach the critical point of dimensional change. The so-called Schumann resonance, or pulse of the Earth, was once a constant of 7.8 Hz, has now risen to 12 and will continue to rise until 13 Hz. When we reach this point, the threshold where we will stabilize into a higher octave of frequently, and this will start for us the next stage of creation in a different reality.
Believe it or not you are living the transition between the well know linear time and the infinity of the eternal "now”.
What happens to us physically, when elevated frequencies of light are received? As in the experiments of Jenny, a living being gets this energy as new information, which molecularly is encoded into our DNA and it then transforms itself. The first step toward change is chaos, because the previous model should be dissolved before it can manifest into the new. In the next step patterns are reorganized on a more complex level, producing the most perfect organism.
If you are one of those worried because your energy is in a state of highs and lows and at times in a state of intense fatigue, and also with emotional swings between depression and euphoria. No, you're not a psychopath bipolar! It’s your whole body is trying to fine-tune to the new frequencies of light. Like when you go to pick up a radio station, you have to move up and down the frequency to tune into the station. You now are oscillating from one state to another, to find the balanced state. Every time the frequency of the planet rises one degree more, this same process of oscillation happens on a physical and emotional level.
Many people, young and old, are presenting memory failures. This is due to the accelerated fall of the Earth's magnetic field, which produces this effect, because the magnetism is like the sticky that traps memories. In order to assimilate the new, our internal computer needs to be restarted. The birth of the new humanity will be in the moment when the Earth's magnetic field reaches the zero point. Only then is it possible to complete the reconfiguration of our genetic patterns to allow them to accommodate for a life in a higher dimension.
The remodeling of the DNA produces waves of fatigue and pain. There is an acute period when the higher frequencies impact our body, followed by milder phase of assimilation. During the cycles there is an acute need for more rest and sleep. Please note that all these symptoms are temporary, these will last while the earth completes its labor, and with it we will go through a new birth into the fifth dimension.
If you now cannot concentrate on anything, understand that your body is adapting to changes of the Earth and your brain and nervous system are under reconstruction. It is possible that the body aches have intensified especially on the right side, and regularly experiencing a twinge at the base of the skull and hips. Perhaps there are no medical causes for these discomforts in the knees, legs and joints, an internal heat throughout your body causing vibration and a burning sensations. If your heart beats faster sometimes without reason, congratulations that means you're activating your light body.
The best way to understand this process is by taking into consideration that at the molecular level the physical body contains energy waves that respond immediately to the interaction with higher frequencies, making them adapt to changes in our biological standards.
The process is simple, the high frequencies that are coming to Earth activate and accelerate the vibration of our cells and they react to radiate heat into the empty spaces around them. This implosion awakens some dormant DNA codes and expands the new information into the nuclei of other cells, which are also activated. So our body is the scene of a chain of reconfiguration, resulting in an expansion of consciousness, which corresponds to a material form that is more subtle and perfect.
Consciousness is the possibility of understanding the meaning of life, depending on the experienced level of perception of the inhabitants of the Earth, the interpretation of reality has so far been firmly anchored in the third dimension, or the capacity to perceive only a very narrow band of creation(10%), which fluctuates in frequencies ranging between infra-red above and below the ultra-violet. This is why the human brain, which functions as a sounding board, has activated only 10% of it’s capacity, while the remaining 90% is asleep, because it corresponds to frequencies of other light dimensions that we are not yet tuned into to experience.
What defines the center of consciousness; whether it is called planet or human, is its capacity to assimilate the energy of light. In the third dimension we perceive this energy as two waves with different properties: electricity and magnetism. The electrical portion provides information on building codes, and the magnetic is the aspect that stabilizes. In this form the two poles act in coordination to maintain that level of reality. The frequencies of light are produced as pulsations and these rhythms condition the cycles.
Earth, for example, is very vulnerable to electromagnetic emissions from solar flares that are received every eleven years, when the sun completes a cycle and pulses. There are also galactic cycles, and when one finishes, our galactic center is firing energy at a very high electro-magnetic frequency, and that changes the matrix of life throughout the galaxy.
These frequencies travel in waves carrying packages of new information leading to a more complex system at all levels, from the solar and planetary to the molecular thus opening to a quantum leap in consciousness and the evolution of life.
If we are aware of this we will be well positioned within the planetary situation we actually live in today. We know that since 1987 there has been an increased impact on the Earth of photons of very high frequencies of light that are coming from the centre of the galaxy.
There is already scientific confirmation that perhaps because of this barrage of energy, some planetary constants, such as magnetism and the Schumann frequency (pulsation of the Earth) have been changing. In fact we are already very close to a spectacular event, that man has never known; it is estimated that before the end of 2012, the magnetism will have reached the zero point, and that the base resonance of the Earth, or frequency Schumann, will have risen to 7.8 to 13 Hz
At the critical moment when this happens you have the opportunity to live a dimensional shift that will end our limitations as human beings. The first move to establish a new order is chaos, and we're experiencing that now.
All existing paradigms at the level of government, institutions, religions and beliefs, social systems, family, health, etc. are cracking and will finally succumb.
Paralleled is this time are the elements and the geology of the Earth which are also convulsing. Since the 13th of April 2002 the new matrix of creation, or energy grid is now complete and because of that new information can flow, awakening the affinity of those who are ready to assume their destiny as complete human beings.
The new energies entering the Earth will affect the political, social, economic and belief systems; therefore there will be new information with a different vibrational experience, including new paradigms geological and climatic conditions.
All calendars: Mayan, Tibetan, Chinese, Egyptians, etc., Agree that in the era we live in today, there will be a permanent change in the life of the Earth. It is because this time is a unique one in the history of mankind.
If you want to join this adventure beyond yourself there is a configuration change you can do to assist the wave amplitude. You don’t have to DO anything this WILL happen with or without your participation; however the choice is to participate or to fight the impending transformation, which includes all of creation. As the increase of energy enters the planet, the brain waves will assimilate best when the being is in a state of connected peace. If the brain waves of an individual are agitated with fear, hate or other judgments, it will amplify this agitated state until the point of insanity (or a short circuit). The new configuration is a reconnection with our true nature as beings of light; experience the state of being present, with an acceptance and unconditional love towards all beings.
We live now in times of great change, a collective quantum leap at the level of planetary humanity. The choice is for every being to make on a global level; to swim within the cosmic tide of change, or against it by struggling in vain for the preservation of older models that are now obsolete.
The next step we will live is the cosmic awakening that is experienced by our cells and genetic codes; once decided to tune into the new code of creation and sing the song of unity within the universe. It is at that moment both humanity and the planet will no longer be at brink of extinction.

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful Sharon! Yes I feel it and have been feeling it over a year now! In fact the energy increase often occurs in the early morning hours when everyone else id asleep. It occurs as an inner vibration. The light is getting clearer. Thanks for putting this in perspective and giving a reminder to be loving to all.
