Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sentient Beings

I think it is important to understand you are a sentient being, you are here to experience your sentiments / sensations. So you must in turn KNOW where these sentimental sensations reside. (this assures you are perceiving authentically and not imposing your made up story)

Feelings; as physically identified

Anger or rage = A sensation in the gut with a tension starting in the low back ascending to the shoulders, observing an increased flow of adrenaline and blood.

Sorrow, Hurt = As a blow to the stomach, with a pain that reaches deep into the bones, with a feeling of violation, sadness or pain.

Sadness = An empty feeling starts in the throat, head and provoking the impulse of crying. When it is a profound loss or memory of a loss, there is an empty feeling in chest and bowels.

Pity, Shame = At its deepest level the shame is experienced within the womb and in the genital area. A feeling of being incomplete, defective, without merit, stupid, ugly, dirty, bad, unloved, evil, crazy, worthless. The larger is the shame, the more likely it is not yours, it belongs to someone else's.

Fear, Scared = is located in the upper chest and respiratory system, provoking a feeling that life is in danger, as well there is a feeling of apprehension or distress, which travels throughout the body.

Loneliness = a feeling in the center of the pelvis and pelvis floor with a sense of being separate, disconnected, empty, inability to connect with other beings.

Guilt = A heavy weight on the back and shoulders and experienced in the lower abdomen resulting in a pressure that responsibility urges us to act in a way to correct something either real, or not.

Love = A vibrant sense of wellbeing, life force connection and balance in the world that emanates from the heart area and resonates down into the genital area.

Joyfulness = An exuberant feeling, a lightness from ones center that emits a sense of warmth as with a connection to the life force.

Security = A sensation that radiates from the bones through the pores and heart area with a warmth and tenderness, with a sense of wellbeing and connectedness to everything.

Once you are clear what sentiment you are experiencing the challenge is to experience it fully; without using past experiences as a step off to a pity fest, but really experience the sensation exactly as if it where THE first experience with no judgment or interpretation, only observation.

There are always two options available at every moment; one is to suffer and the other is to direct your mind. The authentic experience of sentiment is a liberating opportunity, if you can learn to experience your experience as the first time ever and from a place of observation, not as an emotional drama; but as an authentic experience, it will even be short lived.  However the perverse choice that which is regularly utilized is the high drama filled stepping stone right to the "original sin" through the made up stories of the past.

The later is what creates a blocked sentiment; since all sentiment must past through the sentient being, this block then converts into obsessions and perverse actions leading to disease and suffering. The result for the sentient being of an authentic experience of sentiment is a conscious expanding and profound experience that is enriching to the essence of the sentient being.

So when you defend or resist; you then are choosing to step out of your power (or light) any position that comes from judgment is a distraction and a denial of "presence" thereby opting out of living the experience authentically.
If you experience angry, great! Do it fully and don't choose to take it on as your identity and BE angry. The same goes for sad, experience it don't BE it.

So that is my 2 cents!
IN LOVE; Sharon

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