Tuesday, June 8, 2010



Imagine your past as lily pads

Each pad as a memory of past emotional experiences

A memory is...
An experience = A conclusion

In recalling past emotional experiences (Lilly pad hopping) the body cannot determine between real present experiences and from recollected past emotional experiences (Memory is experience = conclusion)

Sentiment is authenticity
Emotion is performance

Imagine leaping from one suffering experience to the next

And they all arrive back to the “original sin” … When someone said something like, “Just who do you think you are?” and shattered your vision of wholeness.

So what do you choose?
• Use your five senses to stay in the present
• Acknowledge the sentiment being experienced
• Be fully in the experience of the sentiment of the moment
• Observe when the mind wants to hop the lily pads of suffering
• Remember that lily pad leaping is a learned response and you have the power to stop it!

The experience of inhabiting the present moment

This is where you have it all; there is profound joy in experiencing the sentiment as an organic experience.

Presence is where your freedom resides

Friday, June 4, 2010

Letting go of illusion

I am in the process of letting my illusion go, it struck me that I have maintained the current manifestation for over 12 years in one shape shifted form or another. The energy that this illusion was founded on was a test of my commitment to my ability to shed all my attachments; and here we are, I will now do what I have avoided for near 13 years. I am in the doorway and ask do I walk through stopping the searching or to choose just to stay on the search.

I ponder the question could it be that the search was my distraction from the door / portal in front of my being all along and by creating a chaos to grant permission to betray that commitment of non attachment. Is this not the journey the soul takes when it leaves the body, searching in the tunnel drawn to the light, and then distracted by the petty thoughts of mind, and catapulted back to the earthly attachment. The discipline of mind is of the utmost importance, the mind is the master of illusion it is the proverbial serpent in the tree of knowledge. It gives creation to the illusion of duality, which is in fact a very limited perspective of right and wrong. There of course there more factors than black and white; it is of profound layers in depth and when seen in a 3D perspective that can be perceived seeing every facet and perspective by observing spherically vs. the limits of a dualistic point of view.

If you are stuck in the illusion of past or future; remember that one cannot advance if one is bringing the sticky baggage of the past, there is no place for the past but in the past. The same can be expressed for the future, you cannot bring energies of different time dimensions into each other, all illusion must be dropped; it must be let go of in a complete surrender; in order to step fully into the dimension of the present. The now; this is where it is all being created.

The illusion of anything other than the present moment is that of a story that has been/being fabricated to convince one to step out of the movement of no time or presence, and instead choose to be in a perverse altered reality, I am aware that we are all powerful yet their are those who are powerful enrollers and have many participating in their illusion. These powerful manipulators use the illusion to keep its inhabitants in the illusion of comfort so they don’t recognize the strength of their own power.

My conclusion is “Surrender to the moment and allow the solution to resolve, I don’t imply stand in no action, but to be of positive affirmation and of open disposition to the prompt and efficient resolution.”